Snowmageddon Sunday and Other Musings

It's Snowmageddon 2018!
We were so spoiled last winter.
A balmy November 2017 should have been a foreshadowing for the winter of 2018.
This winter is taking no prisoners. Spring is going to be particularly sweet this year.
I'm going to start growing seeds soon. I really need to see green right now.
I'm grateful to have a plethora of plants
growing in the green room upstairs.
In other news, Steve and I left for IUPUI (my alma mater) for a Friday seminar.
The Humanities Council combined the concepts of Frankenstein with coding basics using Twine.
(My colleague received a grant this year and we are doing a Frankenstein program in October.)
Remember the Choose Your Own Adventure Series last century? (Yes, I'm dating myself.)
That's basically what Twine is.
It is an interactive fiction story for readers. Twine uses CSS, HTML, and Javascript to basically make the screen like a video game.
My first attempt was feeble, but I managed to use a couple of links and post an image.
The professor who flew up from Florida was brilliant. She knows my librarian friend in Florida. Small world.
I can hear the snow angel (Dean) blowing out our driveway and walks again. We're so grateful to have them (Dean and Laurel) in our lives.
More later... have a great week!