Saturday Nights in Mishawaka, Part Two

Never a dull moment in Mishawaka, IN.
After work today, Steve and I trekked to our favorite (Doc's) restaurant, and happily perched outside on the patio to unwind
and enjoy a nice dinner outside.

Mother Nature had other plans.
As Steve and I sat outside underneath the purple umbrella, an angry accumulation of clouds decided to crash our little party with
a pop-up thunderstorm. The wind picked up, and an empty flowerpot full of cold rainwater spilled on Steve's lap. Another umbrella on a table
lifted up and spun around.

The kindly manager made an announcement out on the patio that we needed to go inside. (You think?)
So we did, and sat in one of our cozy bar booths.
It was an interesting night, but we still enjoyed our meal.

Never a dull moment in Misahwaka, IN.


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