August 2, 2019

It's August already.
Here's a July photo of a moonscape in the boulevard.
This summer has increased in speed and it's still gaining momentum.
It's hard for me to pick up right where I left off, because so many things (for lack of a better word)
are going on right now. Summer Reading is over, Fair week is over, and I am going on my third day into a much-needed
short vacation. We're in Gen Con, it's 1 a.m. and I am wide awake. (That's what I get for taking a 3 1/2 hour siesta and drink coffee
at 9 p.m. at night.)
There's a class reunion coming up on the 17th, and I will be happy when it arrives--and when it is in my rear-view mirror.
For the most part, it's been a good journey, but I need to return to writing, music, and art sooner than later.
For now, this Gen Con year is more chill and mellow than in the past; I don't have the energy to do a whole lot, and that's okay.
I'm having a great time with Steve and our dear friends.