Happy "Strumiversary"


It's rare these days that I'm blogging two days in a row,
but I needed to share with you
that six months ago tomorrow
I stepped into The Guitar Center in Mishawaka,IN
and took my first very
awkward lesson as a left handed player
with a right handed guitar.

Since then, many of you know that I've switched to a left-handed guitar,
added a pick to help with strumming,
and have earned calluses on my right fingertips.
I'm on page 31 of the 46-page Hal Leonard book for left handed guitar,
and picked up a finger picking Christmas book.

I am no Ed Sheeran, but I can pluck and strum, even though awkwardly still, through
a piece of music. I am learning to memorize where notes are. I'm learning notes
on all the six strings.

What is significant about this journey is being able to let go of another facet of
perfectionism and enjoy the process. I'm not playing for credit, nor am I playing (right now)
for an income. I'm playing for anxiety relief and peace of mind,
and that is what guitar playing
does for me. That's what music should do, but that hasn't always been the case.

I still love drums and percussion and they will always be my first instruments,
but there is a lot of baggage that comes with 30+ years of playing.
It wasn't and still isn't easy, not just the physical aspects of hauling the equipment around,
but dealing with people, and being a drummer/musician who happens to be a woman.
Growing up, I felt like I had something to prove, as it was competitive.

Now, I have nothing to prove, and it's blissful.

The takeaway here is to do what you love, especially if you're not perfect at it.
Enjoy the journey.


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