Winter Solstice and Star Wars
Happy day after Winter Solstice!
The days will be longer now, which will be nice,
as it feels like midnight around 5 p.m. these days.
It's been a good and weird winter solstice weekend.
Steve and I had two days off in a row together,
so it was nice.
We slept in as much as we could with four hungry felines
who are on a strict Sakura-imposed feeding schedule.
We watched the last installment of Star Wars.
I refuse to call it a franchise, because it sounds cheap to me.
We've known about Star Wars since 1977, and it has
been with us for 42 years.
It's a series and a story.
It's nostalgia.
It's a significant part of our childhood.
We grew up with the original trilogy occurring in 1977, 1981, and 1983.
I was six years old; Steve was five, and
we wouldn't meet for another twelve years later.
It was emotional because the SW series brought up memories.
It was one of the first, if not the first, movie I vividly remember
watching on the big screen.
There are people, family members, who watched the movie with us at the
beginning who are no longer around, through death or estrangement
(which is a death in of itself).
Here we are, in 2019, watching the last Skywalker story.
It took awhile for us to catch our breath and recover after viewing it,
because we knew it was the last one.