Memorial Day Weekend in a Pandemic


I hope this writing finds you safe and well. 
It's Memorial Day again (already). 
I would like to honor the memory of those who served our country
and made the ultimate sacrifice. 

Because of you, I have the privilege of being here and the freedom 
to draft this post. 
Thank you for your service. 

It's been a weekend of reflection.
Admittedly, I'm struggling and not sure what to do. 
The normal routine is non-existent; I'm not saying that it's all bad, either. 
It's just different. 

Structure is good for one's well-being, and there hasn't 
been much of that. Learning to create a new structure is a challenge, 
especially sporting an uncomfortable mask (mask sweat is a thing!) and functioning 
from a six-foot distance. 

This is the first time in so many years that Steve and I did not spend 
Saturday night playing music and catching up with friends.

We did, however, rest on the front porch with the kitties 
and watched the storms. 
For the first time, I wasn't scared. 
We enjoyed the lightning show. 
It was relaxing and peaceful. 
I slept well that night. 

We had plans to game on Sunday afternoon. That was fun and safe. 
We were invited to a cookout at the same time and wanted to be in two places
at once. It would have been really hard to go, because I couldn't hug our friends. 

Last night, Steve put together the firepit that I had ordered from Wayfair, 
and after a long walk, we tried to enjoy our inaugural fire that night. 
However, the wood was still wet from the  rains Saturday and early Sunday morning,
and there was only smoke. 

It's such a small thing, but I was disappointed. 
I tried to recreate a memory of fun bonfires we would have at the lake. I wanted to have a
small piece of that here at home, but it didn't work out. 

So, we hung out on the front porch. Admittedly, I was a little depressed about it. 
Steve brought out his phone and put a crackling fire on it, so it would recreate a bonfire. 
We sat there in silence for about an hour. It was such a kind and peaceful gesture. 
(That's the featured photo. The flames look a little odd in the photograph.) 

Today we are home and not at the lake. 
I'm sad about it, but grateful to stay home, stay safe,
and keep my family and friends up there and here



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