Reflections on a Pandemic: August 2020
I'm writing this entry for historical (hopefully not hysterical!) reasons
about this pandemic so far. God willing, I will reflect on 2020 a year
or 5 years from now, and will hopefully be more resilient and wiser. I'm also
hoping to be maskless, because wearing masks in the summer sucks.
"Maskne" (mask acne) will probably be added to the dictionary in the near future.
We've survived two seasons of mask-wearing, hand-washing, nose-swabbing,
results-waiting, super-sanitizing, social distancing, and in-fighting. I'm confident,
unfortunately, that we are headed into two more seasons (or longer) of it. Zoom is
now a commonly used word that doesn't only mean a children's television show
from the 1970s.
Fortunately, Steve and I and our close friends and family are still safe.
(*knocks on wood surface until knuckles are red*)
My heart goes out to everyone struggling with this.
I'm struggling with this.
But there have been light spots in these dark times.
Gratitude for another day and another sunset.
(Notice I didn't say sunrise... not a morning person anymore. :))
Focusing on living beings (plants, pets, people) rather than material items.
Relationships are more meaningful now than ever.
Experiences that require travel will have to wait a little longer;
I'm okay staying home, even though I missed having a real Gen Con this year
and I'm more than a little annoyed about missing lake time this summer.
But I am hoping it gets better soon.
Next year, for St. Patrick's Day, I wish for four-leaf clovers to give us the
luck of the Irish to drive this world wide virus out of the world.
I love you both very much!