This Year was a Spectacular Season for the Flowers
A friend on social media posted a meme today about what good things happened during 2020? Of course, we all know that this year was a complete sh*t show for so many people, including for us here at chez Sigety. I promise I won't rehash the bad here because that defeats the point of this post. :)
So, I will write here what I responded on my friend's wall with a few additions:
I connected and reconnected with my higher power (God), family, and friends, co-rescued Leo Kitty, read some and wrote a lot, gamed through Zoom, continued guitar lessons and now added voice lessons (songwriting is on my bucket list), taught two college courses this fall, continued working at the library, spent quality time with Steve and the baby cats, stopped drinking (big positive change that probably saved my life), and enjoyed the memory garden. This year was a spectacular season for the flowers. Hopefully 2021 will be a beautiful season for the plants, trees, animals, and humans, too.
Happy New Year!