Gaming Posts: Pokemon GO and D&D
In 2021, I am still spinning at Pokestops and catching those adorable little pocket monsters. I have enjoyed the updates and special events. Since April of 2020, I have been writing professional articles about Pokemon GO. Sometimes it's good to have a hobby that can turn into a writing gig!
Anyhow, for this writing gig, I was given two last Pokemon articles to cover. No worries, I am still writing, but the articles in the next post will be about D&D (Dungeons & Dragons). It is fun to write about D&D because I am still actively playing in an online game.
Okay, back to Pokemon Go. Sorry for the digression. Here are two links that I researched and wrote in late 2020. The first one is about using the best Pokemon to defeat Steelix. The second article is about defeating Cliff, the annoying Team Rocket Leader. I hope you enjoy both of them!