Sunday Poetry Gardens
I'm chomping at the bit to dig in the dirt and start clearing the yard but it's early yet. Fortunately, although National Poetry Month is coming up in April, I don't have to wait for the weather to improve to read and write. It's a year-round cultivation, thank goodness. I've been reading a lot recently, and the pandemic has inspired other writers to launch some great words into the universe in 2021.
These writers include three friends that I know and admire: Craig Finlay, Steve Henn, and Brooke Nicole Plummer. I had the privilege of ordering and reading all three collections. (Good things can happen in threes, too!) Each poetry book is a literary thumbprint of their hearts shared with the world. and they now live inside a cherished living room bookshelf. Although there is a memory garden waiting outside to bloom this summer and fall, inside the walls of chez Sigety contain gardens too. Gardens of stories and words and poems. Fortunately, I don't have to weed as often--that's why bookshelves were invented!