ADHD and Gaming Articles

 Again, too much time passes in-between posts. You know about the good intentions pave the way to hell and all that jazz? It's that I think about writing much more than actually doing it. Such as the life of the ADHD'er and the lower level of executive functioning. Such as life. (At least I'm back.)  Perhaps that is a good sign that I am living more In Real Life (IRL) than virtually. That is a nice paradigm shift for me. (You can now mark off the word paradigm off of your buzzword bingo card. ;)) 

There is a lot to share, but I won't overwhelm you with a super long posting. It's better to chop it up, like salad! Pre chopped salad is the best invention ever! Anyhow, I am straying off topic, so I'll reel it back in. I wrote, edited, and published five gaming articles. Now I am sharing them.  If you are a D&D player and have some time, please check them out:

The articles are a lot of fun, and I enjoy conducting the research for them. My favorite go-to book is The D&D Player's Handbook. I borrowed Steve's copy for so long that he finally bought me several D&D hardcover books. (I think Steve was nervous that I would be too rough on his copies, which is understandable. We have slightly different philosophies on how to use nonfiction books.) I hope you have enjoyed this post! Have a great week! 



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