Coming Soon: Home. Poems & Drawings, 2020-2021

 So, I did a thing.  

Today, at a Girl Scout/Dedication Library in honor of Frances Sherwood, an author and professor who recently passed, at Sherman Avenue Community Garden (please like them on Facebook if you have a chance), among friends and friends I have yet to meet, I officially announced the release date (gulp) of my next poetry book: Home. Poems & Drawings, 2020-2021.  (Yes, the title is typed on a vintage Smith-Corona typewriter.) 


Actually, my dear friend and fellow musician Evie announced it first as she introduced me to read after she finished her musical set. Through Evie's lyrics and music, she gave me the courage to climb the three steps up to the stage among decorative pumpkins and share my soul with the audience. Does it get easier? No. It scares me, and that's why I continue to do this. If it didn't, it means I don't care anymore. And after all these years, 34 years after my first published poem, I still care. So, I still continue to write. 

                     (Reading at Sherman Avenue Community Garden. Thank you M.M., for snapping the photograph!) 

The date of this new compilation will be released (God willing) on Tuesday, October 26, 2021, eleven years after In the Family of Trees. I asked my dear friend and Snark Publishing co-conspirator Karen to give me a nudge and help me come up with a firm date. So, we did. (That's a way to get something accomplished and remain accountable: announce it and post it on social media!) Now, I'll need to find a venue for hosting the inaugural launch, but first things first. 

I am grateful, so grateful for the friends there today and for all of you who support what I do. Living an authentic life is wonderful, even if it is terrifying. 


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