Quiet Saturday Night

 Happy September! 

I hope you are safe and well this Labor Day weekend. I'm home tonight with the kitties listening to CDs (I'm a 90s girl--don't judge) and working on writing projects and coursework prep for classes.  My body, particularly my sinuses, decided to revolt because I am overextending as usual so I postponed all my plans and decided to stay in with the exception of lunch with Steve and a couple of necessary errands. 

 I'm still a little traumatized by the Nasopharyngeal culture I endured yesterday. I've had nose swabs before, but not the swab. Admittedly, I was a bit whiny.  I'm grateful it's not the virus, just another bi-annual fall sinus infection. I'll be really happy when this pandemic calms down. (This is not a wave I want to keep riding. Enough already!) 

Here are the albums I am listening to tonight: 

 Simpleminds 40: The Best of 1979-2019 
 and Good Night Songs for Rebel Girls. Both albums are worth a listen. The latter is much more mellow; the first one is more lively. I hope your night is as peaceful as mine. 


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