Happy Halloween, Rocky Horror, and Gaming Articles
Happy Halloween! Trick-or-Treat! I look forward to Halloween every year, although it snuck up on us this year. (I probably said that last year LOL.) I think the balmy weather tricked us into believing we had extra time, so the trick's on us but the weather was a treat.
Last night Steve gamed with friends and I saw Rocky Horror (RH) for the third time in my life. It was a great time! We went to The South Bend Civic Theatre located in South Bend, IN, for the 7:30 p.m. showing. One of the elements that I enjoy with RH is that the fourth wall is not only broken, but busted! (For those of you who aren't theatre geeks, breaking the fourth wall includes direct interaction with an audience. The narrator speaks and interacts directly with the audience.)
In lieu of toast, we had to bring our masks and proof of vaccination cards. Since it's a smallish venue and the actors are performing without masks, I was grateful for the extra 'Rona security. I was able to speak with and take a photo with Aaron Nichols, the executive director of the South Bend Civic Theatre. He is super cool and approachable. His approachability was extended to the cast and crew; I appreciated the friendliness and casual (yet professional) environment.
I enjoyed the music. The voices in the musical gave me the chills; we were literally on our feet dancing to "The Time Warp " and gave a standing ovation whilst trying not to trip over the rolls of toilet paper that were tossed. I loved the performance and wish to return next year to participate and/or to volunteer!
Finally, Halloween would be a perfect time to play a spooky session of D&D 5e! Between August and October, I wrote five articles about gaming. I focused on subclasses of rogues and warlocks (perfect for Halloween), weapons, and builds. If you are creating a new character soon, these articles may save you some time and trouble figuring out how to create them. Enjoy!