Sunset Poetry in the Woods
(Flier courtesy of Mike Settles.) |
Lately. I have difficulty starting out blog posts. Perhaps I am experiencing some writer's block with this style of writing? I've been in poetry mode rather than blogging mode, so that could be why.
There's good news and bad news about the poetry book (Home.) The good news, is that it is still happening. I met with Karen, my editing and publishing cohort. We looked over the layout and the poems to make sure they are laid out in a chronological order. Also, we decided that a few photographs would enhance rather than detract from the book. The bad news is obviously the October 26 deadline for publishing was missed (obviously). That's okay, too. A deadline, even a loose one, is an incentive to quit dawdling and finish typing! I promise, when the books are in my paws, you will know! I have been very quiet about this collection because it is not quite available, but close.
Last Saturday night, I had the opportunity and privilege to present ten poems from the Home collection and host a poetry workshop/open mic out in the woods, in a retreat area located behind the Willow Creek United Methodist Church in Mishawaka, IN.
(Photograph with Mike Settles, pastor and amazing host!)
It was a beautiful and chilly autumn evening; there was a campfire, refreshments, and new friends. Steve was there, and a few of my dear friends showed up as well. A great time was had by all, and at the end of the evening, new poets emerged and current poets rekindled their love of writing poetry. Honestly, as much as I loved sharing my poems with others, I enjoyed helping others with writing prompts to spark poems and to hear their words.
(Selfie with Steve. )
I aspire to host more readings and poetry writing workshops in the future. I feel like this is an excellent start to new adventures!