swinter soon
turns into springtime.
Since January, when the month changes, I like to create a new poem and post it in my Facebook bio. I thought that would be more interesting than an About Me because if you know me, you know I love words. Words have saved me through some hard times and continue, like flashes of light, like friends old and new, carry me through.
Looking over in the windowsill and noticed that there are seedlings that have (finally) sprouted. There are some Forget-Me-Nots and Coneflower seeds that haven't emerged yet. Perhaps the proverbial watched pot never boils. Growing flowers from seeds takes time. It takes patience and time. These days, I feel like I often run out of both, but working hard to change that reality.
If I've learned anything in recovery and therapy, it's that growth is hard and painstaking, sometimes painful, and always slow. I look over at the seedlings and remember that growth takes time and growth takes work. I look forward to planting these little darlings in the memory fairy garden later this spring. They are lovely little reminders that everything's going to be okay. That's why gardening is so rewarding; they serve as constant reminders that despite sickness and ugliness and war, seedlings grow into flowers to remind me that there is still beauty in this world.