Gardening and Geraniums
I'm learning empathy for people who have limited control physically, because post-op, that is currently happening. This was not part of the plan, but I'm not in charge, so I'm coping as well as possible, trying to enjoy the summer with loved ones, the lake, and the garden.
Speaking of gardening, one of my favorite things to do is purchase discounted flowers that are half-dead and wilted to see if I can restore the lovelies back to health. Now is a perfect time to purchase annuals, because business owners want to clear their inventory. Most of the time it's been both cost-effective and successful, and so rewarding to see thriving flowers and plants. Steve recently referred to the garden as Lori's Plant Hospital and Rehabilitation Center. (*smiles*)
After meeting with friends on Saturday, I wandered to a local garden store to purchase some annuals, because due to Grizella's eviction, everything garden-wise in my life was delayed. So, I wander back to the flower section, and I notice some geraniums that needed a little TLC. I bring them up to the counter, and the owner tells me to keep them because he was clearing inventory and was going to toss them since they needed to be dead-headed and kept in sunlight.
I asked him how many he had, because I'll take them all off his hands! He ended up giving me three trays of slightly dry geranium flowers, and he and another employee carried them for me into the trunk of my Honda Civic. (I purchased two bags of topsoil as a thank-you.)
The most fun aspect of receiving this unexpected gift is that I was able to pay it forward and give some away to family and friends. After deadheading and watering them, the geraniums are absolutely perfect, and I am convinced they will thrive.
My mother adored geraniums and always had pots of them in the summertime. I wonder if she had a hand in Saturday's surprise.