Zakia's Poems and Book Launch

Zakia and I met and became friends last April during a poetry workshop I hosted at the Francis Branch Library (South Bend). She informed our group that she will have her first book out this fall. Prior to her reading, Zakia had one of my other favorite poets, Pam Blair, provide an introduction and present some of her own words. A poetry book is meant to be heard as well as read, so listening to Zakia read her poems was an extra treat.
On Saturday, November 19, in-between the Notre Dame game, Zakia R. Khwaja hosted an amazing poetry launch party, and I was honored and fortunately, well enough to attend. The event was among the loveliest I have ever attended. (I'm stealing ideas, Zakia! :)) She is also the model for the front cover.
Here is my Goodreads review:
"I was blown away by Zakia Khwaja's inaugural poetry book. The author artfully blends several languages (American English, British English, and Urdu) into a collection of treasures, like decorative rocks on beach shores. When I read one of the poems, it was like picking up a stone and examining the beauty, layers, and patterns. I loved the fact that I had to look up words while reading. There's also a useful glossary to assist the reader with phrases and words.
I've read and written a lot of poetry. I believe this collection is incredible; I would not be surprised if Khwaja receives awards for her book. Thank you, Zakia, for gifting the world with your poetry, and I am honored to add your name to my list of poetic influences."
If you need a present for a family or friend this holiday season, I recommend Stones Hold Water. as a gift.
(The first photo is a picture with Zakia, the second photo is a picture of Zakia with her husband and kids, the third photo is a picture of me with artist and poet Pam Blair, and the last picture is me with Dr. De' Bryant, professor and poet.)