Reflections on Three Excursions in 2024
Hello, I've skipped three seasons on this blog, so happy spring, summer, and fall. One of my friends asked about Marimba and Ice, so that was a nudge to revisit, recreate a new password to access my yahoo email account (yes, I'm that old), and just start writing again. (Thank you, Cynth'ya.) I think 2024 has been the busiest year travel-wise that I can remember. Steve and I cruised on the Carribean, visited Florida, Aruba, Curacao, and Labadee, Haiti. It was my first cruise sober, and I left that ship a still sober woman. Was it easy? Not always. Was it worth it? Yes. Here's a question to ponder: why is alcohol the only drug where people question you if you don't partake? In July-August, we went on our yearly trek to Gen Con in Indianapolis, IN, which was okay because we had a hotel room at the airport. We're rethinking Gen Con-it's getting expensive, and the whole lottery with hotel rooms is dicey (no pun, intended, actually.) It's getting harder to